Hello there my name is Benjamin Bielefeld, currently I am a student at Utah State University in Logan Utah. Recently I purchased a Nikon D80 DSLR after years of thinking about going somewhat big into photography. Before I bought this amazing camera I was just taking photos with a little point and shoot Canon Powershot SD750, even before that one christmas long long ago I got an old Pentax ME-Super, which really got me into photography. But seeing as how film got to be somewhat costly to get developed and all I figured that I needed something else.
This blog is purely meant to help me along the way, whether it be constructive criticism are just some small pointers, anything helps. It is also a place to visualize my progress into this wonderful world of photography. With all of the photos I post I will also put in the EXIF data plus where and when I took the shot, and other tools that I used to take the shot with. I will be trying to post new photos on here at least once a week and I hope that you all enjoy!