So about two weeks ago my friend Kylie and I went for a drive with our DSLR's just looking around for something to shoot. We ended up finding an abandoned bus on the side of the road, it was pretty torn up, which made it even more interesting. However we were only there for a couple of minutes because we were not sure if it was on someones property and really didn't feel like getting the cops called on us. But this is what I was able to get.
Nikon D80, 1/320 sec, f/3.5, 18 mm, ISO 100, Flash Fired
Nikon D80, 1/200 sec, f/7.1, 200 mm, ISO 100, Flash Fired
Nikon D80, 1/200 sec, f/8.0, 18 mm, ISO 100, Flash Fired
Then a couple of weeks ago I was up late one night and decided to go out and take some night shots, it was like 3 in the morning and I was sitting there in the middle of the road take random photos. It was a very interesting experience. This is what I got out of it.
Nikon D80, 13 sec, f/13.0, 70 mm, ISO 100
Nikon D80, 15 sec, f/13.0, 135 mm, ISO 100
Nikon D80, 33.7 sec, f/18.0, 135 mm, ISO 200
Nikon D80, 30 sec, f/18.0, 135 mm, ISO 200