HDR, or high dynamic range, photography is becoming sort of a fad in the photography world. Some people say that it is not true art, due to the high amount of post processing that has to be done to get the HDR effect you want. HDR photos allows the viewers to see all the colors in a picture, colors that even the human eyes can not. The trouble with HDR photos is that the sensor in the camera can not get all the colors at once, the photographer needs to take several different photos of the same thing in order to get the HDR effect. I started out by setting my
D80 into bracket mode, where it takes three different shots at three different exposures, one just normally exposed one overexposed and one underexposed. Every different exposure shows different colors in the photo, for instance in the underexposed you can get the deep blue of the sky yet no color in grass, and in an overexposed photo you can get the vibrant green of the grass. Once you have taken your shots you need to post process it by uploading the photos into a tonemapping program. I ended up using
Photomatix and it worked perfectly for what I needed. Once uploading and tonemapped you have your HDR shot, go and give it a try.
Here are some of my shots in HDR.